First Announcement
The International Workshop
"Tsunami Mitigation Beyond 2000"
Organized jointly by the IUGG Tsunami Commission (IUGG/TC) and
the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the
Pacific (ICG/ITSU) in Cartagena, Colombia on October 5-6, 2001
in conjunction with ITSU-XVIII
Convened by Viacheslav Gusiakov (Russia) and François Schindelé (France)
In response to the ITSU-XVII recommendations, the International Workshop
'Tsunami Mitigation Beyond 2000' will be organized in Cartagena,
Colombia on October 5 to 6, 2001 in conjunction with the XVIII Session of the
ICG/ITSU. This will be the third workshop of a series of three workshops
organized jointly by the IUGG Tsunami Commission (IUGG/TC) and the International
Co-ordination Group of the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (ICG/ITSU).
The focus of the first workshop held in Seoul, Korea in October of 1999 was on
the operational aspects of tsunami warnings. The second workshop held in Moscow,
Russia in June of 2000 was devoted to the methods of the long-term tsunami risk
calculation and hazard assessment. The workshop in Cartagena will be mainly
oriented on practical methods of tsunami mitigation and will be of interest to
a wide community of researchers, emergency managers, decision makers and other
practitioners dealing with assessment and mitigation of tsunami hazard. These
workshops complement the recommendation of the Tsunami Master Plan of the
further development of the tsunami program in the years after 2000 and assist
in developing regional tsunami mitigation programs, e.g. in the Intra-America
Sea region.
The objectives of the Cartagena workshop are: (1) to review the-state-of-art
knowledge on the tsunami mitigation and preparedness; (2) to exchange national
experiences on the development of countermeasures; (3) to formulate the
recommendations on the actions required for the tsunami disaster reduction
Specific topics for the discussions during the Workshop will be:
- reaction to tsunami warnings on national, regional and local levels
- tsunami inundation maps, their impact on land use planning and construction
- engineering methods of tsunami protection
- tsunami education and public awareness, national and regional programs
The workshop format will include talks given by leading experts, presentations
of participants and round-table discussions.
The language of the Workshop will be English.
Workshop Co-conveners:
Viacheslav K.Gusiakov, Chair,
IUGG Tsunami Commission
Head, Tsunami Laboratory Institute
of Computational Mathematics and
Mathematical Geophysics
Pr.Lavrentieva, 6 Novosibirsk 630090
Tel: <7>(3832) 34-20-70
Fax: <7>(3832) 32-42-59
François Schindelé,
Chairman, ICG/ITSU
Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique
BP 12 91680 Bruyères-le-Chatel
Tel : <33> 1 69 26 50 63
Fax : <33> 1 69 26 70 23
Local contact for the Workshop arrangement :
Prof. Hansjürgen Meyer
Observatorio Sismológico del Suroccidente - OSSO
Universidad de Valle, Campus Meléndez
A. Aéreo 25360
Tel: <57>(2)339-7222, 330-1661
Fax: <57>(2)331-3418
Deadline for Preliminary Registration: April 1, 2001
Deadline for Abstract Presentation: May 31, 2001